Treemendous Plant Health Care Single Comprehensive Treatment*
Comprehensive care for plants susceptible to insect attack or affected by disease pathogens. A review is left detailing the problems found and treatments applied.
Note that one spray treatment, though very effective on many problems, cannot be expected to eliminate all problems in the landscape. Tree injections are not included in this plan. This application is completed in spring.

Treemendous Plant Health Care 3-Step Treatment*

Visits are 3 times a year. SPRING, SUMMER and FALL. A review is left or sent after each visit.
The first 2 visits: Our arborist comes out to evaluate all plants on the first visit. We inspect all plants, taking cuttings, soil samples and pH tests where needed. We treat existing problems and complete preventative treatments where needed with the application of comprehensive pest and disease control measures such as fungicides, insecticides and miticides, etc., (spring and summer). Reports and recommendations are provided on problems in certain plants. Prophylactic injections for Japanese beetles are done now. Spotted Lantern Fly treatment is included in these first 2 visits. Emerald Ash Borer treatments and tree injections are included up to 18” DBH.
The 3rd visit: We inspect all plants. A granular, root-specific N-P-K formulation of fertilizer is applied around ornamental trees and shrubs.
Treemendous Plant Health Care 5-Step Treatment*
Visits are every 30 to 60 days from FEBRUARY through JANUARY. 5 visits. A review is sent after each visit.
1st Visit about February / March: Our arborist comes out to evaluate all plants, taking inventory and performing cuttings, soil samples and pH tests where necessary. Root zone injections are completed at this time to control boring or leaf mining insects. If the weather is acceptable, horticultural oils will be applied at this time. A plan of action is developed for the year. Reports are provided on problems in certain plants. If any minor storm damage is present, it will be noted and prices included for repair or pruning. Prophylactic injections for Japanese beetles are done now as well as treatments for Spotted Lantern Fly.
2nd through 4th Visits, from March through October: Inspections are done on all plants for the presence of pest populations. Existing problems are addressed and preventative treatments are done where needed. The application of comprehensive pest and disease control measures such as fungicides, insecticides and miticides, etc., are done at this time (spring and summer). Reports and recommendations are provided on problems in certain plants. Emerald Ash Borer treatments and tree injections are included up to 24” DBH. Treatment for bagworm is done now. Repeat treatment for Japanese beetles and Spotted Lantern Fly is also completed at this time.
5th Visit, from November through December: Anti-desiccant sprays are applied to plants prone to “winter burn”. Fall fertilizer is applied around ornamental trees and shrubs at this time, and plants are inspected and treated for overwintering insects and egg masses.

Treemendous Tree Care is the answer to all of your Tree Service needs!
Highly trained arborists available to handle any emergency