Ash trees are being killed by Emerald Ash Borers! Not only do they spread rapidly, but they are an absolutely fatal pest.
This killer insect is forcing a choice for homeowners between tree removal and pest treatment. If your yard has Ash trees, make sure you take action now.

Why are Dead Ash Trees Dangerous?
There are two significant reasons why the presence of dead Ash trees on your property are unsafe:
Moisture Loss- Emerald Ash Borers prevent water and nutrients from reaching vital parts of the tree. Also, this fatal insect inherently creates thousands of exit holes on the bark. This dries out the tree and makes it brittle.
Weak Structure- The tight, straight grain of Ash wood is amazing for creating baseball bats and splitting firewood, however it is also the reason why its limbs and branches easily split apart. This creates dry, brittle trees with easily broken branches.
Protect Your Ash Trees
Without treatment, Emerald Ash Borers can kill Ash trees in less than 3 years. In fact, they’ll have already done significant damage before you even notice a visible decline. This is why it’s critical to treat it now without risking irreparable damage.
Injections every two years are a very effective way to treat Ash trees for Emerald Ash Borers. This process involves drilling small holes into the tree’s trunk, and filling them with liquid-filled cells. The tree will then absorb and transfer the product naturally.
This spray is non-invasive and is applied to the lower two to three yards of the trunk. It then penetrates the bark and is transported throughout the tree systemically. This application technique does not injure the tree, and when correctly applied, does not enter the surrounding soil. Studies indicate that this treatment reduced Emerald Ash Borer larval density by a range of about 30% to 60% compared to infested and untreated trees. The treatment remains effective for up to one year.
Injections deliver the product directly into the tissue of the tree, which it then evenly disperses throughout its canopy. They target the newly hatched larvae within the tree, which helps prevent the most destructive portion of the infestation. Although control has not been as consistent with soil injections, research indicates that smaller trees benefit much more from this treatment, which must be applied every year in mid-Spring or mid-Fall.

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